AI in RTC: Final Price Points and End of Prepublication Discount

July 23, 2018

Our AI in RTC report is just about ready. Here are all of its price points.

If you aren’t interested in AI and RTC, then move on  – this one isn’t for you.

Still here?


In the past several months I’ve been adding into my daily activities the creation of a new report – one about AI in RTC.

It has taken its toll – I’ve slept a bit less. Read a bit less. Turned down and postponed a few clients. All in order to get this project going. I’ve partnered with Chad Hart on it, one of my partners in crime at Kranky Geek and a fellow consultant.

We wanted to work on something new and interesting and this seemed to be the right thing to do.

After countless hours in interviews with vendors and suppliers in this space, discussions we had with one another and time spent just looking at the ceiling of my office and thinking, I can say that we’re almost ready with the report. Most of it is already written, and what is left will be completed really soon.

What will you find in this report?

  • An introduction to machine learning and artificial intelligence. A high level one, which should be suitable for people who are less conversant in it
  • Speech Analytics. A thorough chapter looking at how speech analytics is used in real time communications, including use cases, vendors and a lot more. I’d say the majority of the writing is here, as most of the focus of our industry is here
  • Voice Bots. While a lot is said about chatbots, we decided to skip them (it would have de-focused us) and instead look at the domain of voice bots. Think Google Duplex, but for the enterprise
  • Computer Vision. You probably saw just like me how autonomous driving is taking out the life out of computer vision elsewhere. That said, there are still vendors and places in RTC where you can find computer vision, which is what’s in this chapter of our report
  • Cost and Quality Optimization. That’s the silent participant in every VoIP session you have. And it is slowly moving towards AI as well. We’ve found those who use it today and talked to those who don’t, trying to figure out both sides of the equation
  • Survey summary. Remember that online survey? We’re still collecting the final responses, so be sure to fill it out if you haven’t. That’s where we will be writing our analysis if the responses we’ve received
  • Other things?
    • The introductory ebook on AI in RTC (still not written), that is also given for free to ALL those filling the online survey
    • Glossary of terms related to RTC
    • A powerpoint deck of all the illustrations from the report

Where can you learn more about the report?

Three places:

How much does it cost?

Publication date is scheduled to end of July. We might miss it by a few days due to editing and some last minute changes.

  • Prepublication price: $1,170 (available until publication)
  • Launch discount: $1,950 (available until September 7)
  • Official price: $2,950

We’re allowing payment via PayPal and wire transfer inside the US. We don’t have any digital shopping cart, as this is a first for us through Kranky Geek Research. It also means we’re treating each and every purchaser as royalty 🙂

Why wait for the price to raise? Join those who’ve already purchased at our discounted prepublication price. Interested? Just email us.


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