4 of My Best Images

June 14, 2013

This is a post about bragging rights.

It is also a post that tells you to create your own images and then host them in places that lets others use them. Don't copyright your work – let it flow – you wouldn't believe the amount of pride you will find in it.

When you start blogging, you start using images. People will tell you that images bring readership, and each blog tends to do it differenty. To me it is about creating images most of the time (at least when I have time). And I do it in various ways – experimenting with the medium and playing around with it, along with my kids in our weekly "creativity time".

These days, I publish these images on Twitter with a bit of text around them to make the searchable. I also place them under Creative Commons, to make sure people will make use of them without the hassle of asking permission.

There are 4 images that I take real pride in. Each with his own story.


Search Google for a VoLTE image.

You will find this image:

I did that for a post I wanted to publish on my RADVISION blog when I was employed there. There was no VoLTE logo (as there is no big-enough-WebRTC-logo) so I had to invent one.

I copied the LTE logo that existed on the web to PowerPoint, added WordArt for the Vo prefix and used it.

Somehow, this logo of mine found its way to distant places of the web. I even find it at times in internal presentations of my current employer – something that warms my heart.

Android vs Apple

This was a fun one. I wanted to write about Android and iOS, and the battle between them. Saw an interesting image on TheNextWeb that I needed for a post, but didn't know if it was under the right license, which meant I had to create one on my own.

As I had time that week, I went to buy some plasticine and spent an hour with it just for the fun of it. Took a photo and I was done. End result? Over 3K views and a bit of adoption on other blogs.

The Finger

And then there's the finger face.

Know how you work on a presentation but can't really get the concept you want from an image? Especially not if you are looking for a creative-commons one? It happened to me on concepts of question and innovation. There are images for them, but I wanted something a bit cleaner that can fit a specific theme I had in mind.

So I made these images.



Each now over 2K views and shared in various places and languages around the globe.

It was easy to do and rather fun – as it opened up a game of sorts with my daughter.


No post is ever complete here without its WebRTC angle. And for that, we have my WebRTC image that I used for a post right here.

Who would have thought it would become the most used WebRTC related image that GigaOm posts end up using?


Have a creative weekend!

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