Upcoming Sep-Oct Events

September 4, 2015

A quick note.

Just wanted to list out the events and venues where you’ll be able to find me and meet with me in the next month or two.


Me in San Francisco

I’ll be in San Francisco 9-11 September, mainly for the Kranky Geek event. If you want to meet and have a chat with me – contact me and let’s see if we can schedule a time together.

WebRTC Codec Wars: Rebooted

When? Wednesday, September 9, 18:00

Where? TokBox’ office – 501 2nd Street, San Francisco

TokBox were kind enough to invite me to their upcoming TechTok meetup event. Codecs are becoming a hot topic now – up to the point that I had to rearrange my writing schedule and find the time to write about the new Alliance for Open Media. It also got me to need to change my slides for this event.

Would be great to see you there, and if you can’t make it, I am assuming the video of the session will be available on YouTube later on.

Attendance is free, but you need to register.

Kranky Geek WebRTC Show

When? Friday, September 11, 12:00

Where? Google – 6th floor 345 Spear St, San Francisco

This is our second Kranky Geek event in San Francisco, and we’re trying to make it better than the successful event we had a year ago.

Check out our roster of speakers – while registration has closed, we do have a waiting list, so if you still want to join – register for the waiting list and you might just make it to our event.

Development Approaches of WebRTC Based Services

When? September 24, 14:00 EDT

Where? Online

It is becoming a yearly thing for me, having a webinar on the BrightTALK platform.

This time, I wanted to focus on the various development approaches companies take when building WebRTC based services. This has recently changed with one or two new techniques that I have seen.

The event is free and takes place online, so be sure to register and join.

Video+Conference 2015

When? Thursday, October 15, 11:00

Where? Congress Centre Hotel “Alfa”, Moscow

I have never been to Russia before, and I won’t be this time. I will be joining this one remotely. TrueConf have asked me to give a presentation about WebRTC.

The topic selected for this event is WebRTC Extremes and how different vendors adopt and use WebRTC to fit their business needs.

If you happen to be in Moscow at that time, it would be great to virtually meet you on video.

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Reducing latency in WebRTC

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