If I had someone I want to be able to write like, it would be Chris Kranky.
When I started writing about WebRTC, I was almost alone. Now? There isn’t a day that goes by with someone writing about it (and I don’t mean me). Every once in a while, I get this feeling of “Damn! I should have written that” – and it usually happens to me when Chris Kranky publishes a post.

I met him first via his blog, reading what he had to say about WebRTC. Then I had an image of him is my mind, with the weird name that he has: Chris Koehncke – it might have been one of the reasons I liked him immediately, having a weird name that no one understands… like me in a way.
But then when I met him face to face in Atlanta, he became Kranky to me.
So Kranky is a great guy. Fun to be with and a lot of fun to write.
If you are here because of an interest in WebRTC and you aren’t aware of Kranky – GO READ HIS BLOG.
I won’t feel neglected if you do.
Just to make sure you get there, here are 3 of the posts he wrote that made an impression on me lately:
- The lack of signaling in WebRTC (and why Google made this decision)
- How WebRTC allows doing more with less (and how this changes everything)
- Why WebRTC isn’t good for WebRTC (the opposite of my view that Facebook should like it)
Have a great weekend reading some of Kranky’s posts!