Third Edition of Choosing a WebRTC Platform

March 8, 2015

Make the best decision on the right WebRTC platform for your company.

I took the better part of the last month to explain the benefits of my best selling report – Choosing a WebRTC API Platform.

WebRTC PaaS ReportIt is now in its 3rd edition, with future editions already guaranteed, based on the rapid changes of our market. In this report, you will find the following new vendors, who are joining the previous ones:

  • Kandy review, where I go over Genband’s new Kandy offering
  • OnSIP review, who have been doing hosted PBX and are now offering developer capabilities as well
  • ooVoo review, an OTT video chat vendor with new developer capabilities (and WebRTC)
  • Respoke review, a new open platform by Digium

The price has been updated, to better reflect the value it brings. I also added a few testimonials.

The real difference though, is in the fact that I am now offering 3 different alternatives when you purchase the report:

  1. The report itself, with 1 year worth of updates
  2. The report, 1 year updates and an additional advisory call to focus you on the alternatives you face
  3. The report, 1 year updates and assisting in your specific vendor selection process

My hope is that this will enable more of you to make use of this, and to assist you in selecting the right platform for you.

If you are not sure that this report can help you, then contact me directly and we can both sit down and see if the report fits your needs.

Last but not least, there was an issue with the table of contents as well as minor modifications required in a vendor or two with the February edition of the report. I decided not to wait until the next update, and instead, publish this report again as a March edition. Those who have purchased the report should expect receiving it by email in the coming day or two.

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