Transmitting many UDP packets that form a video frame in a burst at the same time increases the chances of packet loss and increases Jitter. For that reason, a “pacer” is typically used to spread out the sending out a bit (but no longer than the frame duration).

See also for more information.

QUIC stands for Quick UDP Internet Connections.

QUIC is an experimental protocol by Google that is based on UDP and targeted at improving situations when you need multiple parallel sessions between two entities. This is the situation for virtually every web page on the internet, which usually requires more than a single resource file to be transmitted from the web server to the browser.

QUIC finds WebRTC in Google’s latest roadmap where it announced its intentions to experiment with the use of QUIC as a replacement for SCTP for the data channel transport.

Bandwidth is the capacity available to receive and send data over a certain network connection.

There are a few important concepts around bandwidth:

  • Available bandwidth fluctuates dynamically over time
  • Sending (outgoing) and receiving (incoming) bandwidth are asymmetric in nature
  • In VoIP and WebRTC, our purpose is to estimate the available bandwidth in as much accuracy as possible – the better the estimate, the better the media quality are be able to provide
  • The estimation we make derives the maximum bitrate that we can send or receive

About WebRTC Glossary

The WebRTC Glossary is an ongoing project where users can learn more about WebRTC related terms. It is maintained by Tsahi Levent-Levi of

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