I am now Officially a 100% WebRTC… Hermit

By Tsahi Levent-Levi

July 1, 2015  

It took some time, but it finally happened.

Today is the first day in my adult life that I wake up in the morning needing to plan ahead for myself and myself only.

me. sleeping

I started this journey three and a half years ago. It started small. With a post: Starting anew.

Two things happened at that time:

  1. I left my first full time job – working at RADVISION for 13 years. I did that for another full time job at Amdocs
  2. I decided to open my own professional blog (this one), with no clear idea what to do with it

The blog grew nicely and formed into a WebRTC focused site. So much so that I reduced my work at Amdocs to part time and started offering consulting around WebRTC. Today I am completing that step. I have left Amdocs, an employer that was good to me in every way, in order to carve up my own path in the world.

For now, it will mostly be WebRTC. But not only.

It will be consulting. But also entrepreneurship. There is already an established startup I founded with some friends, and another one in the works.

Most of all, it will be exciting. And fun.

If you want to have a chat or get my assistance – I’ll be happy to be of help.

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  1. Congratulations Tsahi!

    All the best – we’re getting our webRTC based online collaboration platform ready (targeted at small / niche online retailers and online collaboration and training businesses). I’m sure I’ll be reaching out to you for comments/feedback and hopefully before long there’s a business case and something commercial will come out of it.


  2. All the best to you, Tsahi. We’ve really enjoyed the workshop you gave in Vienna at FTW. I’m sure your insights and expertise will be valuable to lots of others as well.

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