Everyone and His Dog is Fixing WebRTC

March 28, 2016
Enhanced. Fixing. Solving. Enterprise grade. Improving. Completing.

I've been seeing this too much lately. Companies decide to market their product as a way to "fix" WebRTC. The gall. I understand where this comes from. Marketing is a lot about FUD. How to put fear in your potential customer until the only thing left for him to do is buy. If you look closely, though, none of them really "fixes" WebRTC. The only thing they are doing is using WebRTC in a way that may fit you as a customer. An example? Companies who "fix" WebRTC by adding signalling to it. Or adding authorization. Or having it connect to PSTN. This isn't about "fixing". This is about supporting a specific scenario or feature in a product - not even related to WebRTC itself. Others "fix" WebRTC by having it work on IE (forcing a plugin on the user or using Flash). Again, less about WebRTC, and more about the use case. And you know what? WebRTC doesn't offer notifications either - I am sure you can go ahead and "fix" WebRTC by adding push notifications to your app on top of WebRTC! WebRTC is a very powerful building block, but that's about all it is - a building block. You'll need to add additional building blocks to create a solution with it, so no - you aren't fixing it - you are just implementing your use case with it. Please. Stop fixing WebRTC. It isn't broken. Just focus on solving a real world problem for a real customer and be done with it.

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