How a Single Book Changed my Life (or Will)

February 2, 2012
I’m an avid reader of books. I read science fiction books. I read whatever Amazon’s website suggest I read. I read free books. I read paid books. I read soft skills related books (self-improvement, management, etc). One of the latest books I read was The Flinch by Julien Smith. I came across it in Seth Godin’s The Domino Project. It is a free book there, but I would have happily paid for it.

I’ve read similar books before: those that tell you to do what you want to do, go with your passion. This one is a bit different. It sticks. I’ve finished it about a month ago and I still can’t let it go. It starts innocently enough. Talks about the need to act. The flinch that holds us back. Gives a few homework tasks: I’ve nailed the first two rather easily – just take a shower in cold water and go break a cup. Mind you – I usually skip assignments that I find in books – it feels rather silly to me – like clapping your hands in a folk dancing routine (I don’t do that when I go folk dancing). But this book somehow compelled me to do things. My problem started with the third assignment in the book. It’s rather simple really – strike a conversation with the next person you meet. Bam. I am stuck. Been trying to do it for the past month with no real luck. What can I say? I am an introvert. Why I am writing this here? Because I have taken this as something I need to crack for myself. To be able to get past my flinch when talking to people. And I will. One day. My only suggestion here is for you to go and read this book. It’s free – and it is just a click away. * If you’re looking for more books – here’s a list of books that left an impression on me.

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