A Quick WebRTC Survey and a Giveaway

July 21, 2014

There were things I wanted to ask, and there are a few books I have to give.

Books giveaway survey

Last month me and Chris did our Kranky Geek WebRTC Show. For that event, we worked on a few quick poll questions – to keep the audience engaged during the quick breaks. We ended up with a bit too many questions. Questions that I still want to ask.

So here’s my opportunity to ask, and your opportunity to win two books in a the process.

The books are a gift from Packt Publishing, who were kind enough to pitch in for this one.

The rules

  • You need to fill in the online survey. It is a short one – should take you a minute or so to get done
  • To join the giveaway raffle you need to provide your email. It won’t be used for anything else
  • Those who won’t win the raffle will get a 20% discount off these two books in both print and digital formats
  • The survey will be opened until the end of this week, so don’t wait up
  • Feel free to share this post and the survey with your developer friends who work on WebRTC

Jump to the survey.

The giveaway

As the questions in the survey are for developers, I decided I wanted to be able to giveaway relevant books that you will be able to use. The ones I chose from the large collection available at Packt Publishing are:

WebRTC BlueprintsWebRTC Blueprints

This book I already reviewed. I think it is a good one, especially if you are already developing with WebRTC. And since this specific survey is more for those that already develop with WebRTC (or at least near it), I thought it would fit better than other books related to WebRTC.

Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJSMastering Web Application Development with AngularJS

WebRTC requires single page application development. And for that, a frontend framework that is capable is something you’ll probably end up using. Angular.js is one such framework, and this book got good reviews on Amazon, so I see it as a solid option for learning Angular.

Go fill in the survey!

To make this easier and open worldwide, the books will be delivered in digital format to the emails of 3 of you that will fill in the survey. The rest will get 20% discount on these books.

So what are you waiting for? Go fill out the survey – it will be open only until the end of the week.

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