Taking UC Seriously? Read this Post

August 15, 2014

If what you are selling is Unified Communications and you've been doing it for many years - then this is for you.

And if you are buying Unified Communications - then this is also for you.

Often times when you try to introduce a new technology into play in whatever it is you do, the question that is raised is how is this going to change things?

Will it cost me less? Will it make me more efficient? Can I make more money out of it?

A lot of times it is really hard to articulate the benefit. It is the same thing with migration from PSTN to VoIP and now to WebRTC. It is the case in switching gears where it comes to the way you monitor and manage your services and it is the case for putting boatloads of money behind analytics initiatives.

The problem with it all is that a lot of times, the real gains are only visible when two things are accomplished:

  1. You jump in and use a new technology
  2. You make a change in your business processes to make use of the new technology

This was very apparent to me from what Barbara Grothe wrote on NoJitter the other day on rethinking the business process:

We are just beginning to see what is possible when we re-think our business processes to take advantage of all the technology solutions available today.

I found the same thing in a recent interview that I did and will share it in the coming weeks.

The main challenge today if you are trying to push a new technology inside your company (to develop and sell) is to get management to truly understand the benefit - this often times will require using different KPIs than the ones used by the organization at that point in time.

If you are trying to buy new technology to replace or augment an existing one, then the challenge is around changing how the organization operates - its business processes - something that can be really hard to achieve as it involves people.

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