Upcoming Report: Selecting a WebRTC API Platform

March 17, 2014

Preorder my next report on WebRTC API Platforms for a discount.

After writing my initial report: WebRTC for Business People, I knew I just couldn’t leave it at that:

  1. People found it useful, and I like being useful
  2. I enjoyed the process too much to pass
  3. It gives me other ways to express myself
  4. It puts food on the table

So I decided to write another report. This time not about WebRTC directly, but rather about API platforms that wrap it and enhance its basic capabilities – platforms that can be used by other developers to build their own use cases.

Choosing a WebRTC API Platform

The idea?

There are many ways in which vendors tackle communications – they can self-develop, outsource, license software, buy hardware or use a platform. I wanted to help those who need to decide on making the choice: either between these large options or even in which platform to use.

The new report briefly touches on what WebRTC is, provides insights to the challenges and shortcomings of WebRTC, details the advantages and disadvantages on the different options developers have of building their use cases – and then describes how to select a WebRTC API Platform, covering 13 different platform vendors.

You can find more details on this report online: Choosing a WebRTC API Platform Vendor. Information there includes the name of the platform vendors as well as the current table of contents.

I plan on publishing the report on April 15 – a month from now, but decided to announce it today.

Why? Because I want bragging rights for it during the two events I am going to participate in until then: Enterprise Connect and Informa’s WebRTC World Summit.

In my last report, there was an early bird discount with pricing tiers of single and site licenses. With this report I am trying something different. The reasons behind the change in pricing structure is just to try different things and see what works better (a kind of learning for me).

So… this report has a single price only, which grants site license. There is a preorder discount of $150 USD for those who decide to take a leap of faith and order this report from today and until the 15th of April.

If you have any specific questions about this report, either write them down in the comments below or ask me by email via the contact page.

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