WebRTC Elsewhere: Vidyo, Amazon & Signaling

September 7, 2013

A collection of WebRTC related posts written elsewhere.

New year

This week I had less time than usual – too many Jewish holydays… so I didn’t get my reading properly, and in some ways – my writing as well. If I missed some great posts this week, it is mainly due to me not having the time to read them – something that will happen next week.

That said, several posts did resonate with me and I wanted to share them here:

  • Vidyo happened to us all this week with their announcement of adding SVC to WebRTC. I’ve written about it (and read about it). The best writing out there probably belongs to Dave Michels both on his great Talking Pointz blog and on NoJitter: the one is about Google’s reasoning for partnering with Vidyo on SVC and the other is about Vidyo’s reasons
  • Can’t have a week without a Chris Kranky post. This one is about Amazon entering the game of messaging and SMS and how this is set to lower the barrier of entry and devalue some companies out there
  • The last one this week is from webrtcH4cKS and deals with signaling options to WebRTC. It is a comprehensive overview that is suitable for developers in explaining the various options. If you are a developer, then this one, including the comments is mandatory curriculum

Have a great weekend and the best Jewish (or whatever) new year!

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  1. Is it just me or is David Michels a lot more positive about WebRTC than he used to be in the ‘Web RTC Fact or Hype?’ video (which now isn’t available on YouTube anymore, the channel is gone) ?

    As SVC will be part of Chromium, not just Chrome, than the code will be available so others browsers can implement it too. A nice try by Vidyo/Google to establish some kind of standard. Obviously that only works if others are willing to take the time to implement the same protocol on the server. Which weakens Vidyo’s position. They might sell a few products in the mean time. It’s a gamble by Vidyo.

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