Review: WebRTC Cookbook

June 11, 2015

If you are looking for some quick WebRTC recipes, then this is the book for you.

Consider this another post in a series of posts about WebRTC books. To see previous  reviews, check out the search tag book review.

The WebRTC Cookbook is the second book by Andrii Sergiienko. His first book was WebRTC Blueprints, was a hard core book – the first one with guts to take WebRTC books to the extreme topics at that time.

WebRTC Cookbook takes a more orderly approach, where Andrii picks several topics and explains them briefly, in a step by step manual. He also provides good follow up material for those who wish to learn more.

Things you will find in this book:

  • Peer connection related topic, with the interesting bits in the STUN and TURN configuration
  • Security issues – HTTPS, TURN server security, firewalls, etc.
  • VoIP – integrating with Asterisk and FreeSWITCH
  • Debugging – stats, webrtc-internals, Wireshark, …
  • Video filters (unfortunately no audio ones)
  • Native apps – iOS, Android and
  • Integrating with some of the WebRTC frameworks and services out there
  • “advanced” stuff – things you’d want to do to add polish to your service

This is a good book for your WebRTC library. It acts as a nice reference to go to when you need to quickly skim a topic.

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