[001] What is WebRTC?
- What is WebRTC and What is it Good For?
- WebRTC servers explained
- WebRTC for Business People Report
- Is WebRTC Open Source or Not?
- The history of WebRTC inside Google [Quora]
- WebRTC is Ready. Now What?
[002] Tooling — Standalone Plugins and SDKs
- Temasys’ WebRTC Plugin: One More Thing & Where is this Headed?
- WebRTC Plugin? An Electron WebRTC app is the only viable fallback
- WebRTC Electron Implementations are on 🔥
[003] Tooling — NAT Traversal
- WebRTC TURN: Why you NEED it and when you DON’T need it
- Why Doesn’t Google Provide a Free TURN Server?
[004] Tooling — CPaaS
- Future of CPaaS; a look ahead
- What should CPaaS providers do today to prepare for the “post pandemic”?
- Cloud giants joining the WebRTC API game. How is that changing the CPaaS landscape?
- Twilio Signal 2020. I expected more from the leading CPaaS vendor
[005] Tooling — Projects Vendors
- An interview with Oxagile’s CTO
- An interview with BlueJimp’s CEO (Jitsi)
- Red Cherry reference customer [Red Cherry]
- Blacc Spot Media reference customer [Blacc Spot Media]
[006] Tooling — Open Source Projects
- and the WebRTC Open Source Popularity Contest Winner is… [webrtcHacks]
- Examples of WebRTC open source modules:
- rtcstats: a module to collect peer connection statistics
- Janus: open source gateway for WebRTC
- Pion WebRTC: a Go implementation of WebRTC
[007] Repurposing WebRTC
- Changes in the media engine market landscape
- The WhatsApp RTCP exploit – what might have happened? [webrtcHacks]
- An interview with Jan Linden of GIPS prior to its acquisition [Wirevolution]
[008] WebRTC and the 2nd Market
[009] Challenges — VoIP Meets Web
- Why Developing With WebRTC is Different than VoIP Development?
- Why Developing With WebRTC is Different than Web Development?
- The Web Scale Dilemma of WebRTC [NoJitter]
- WebRTC Still a Journey, Not a Destination [NoJitter]
[010] Challenges — Signaling
- WebRTC Signaling Servers: Everything You Need to Know [Wowza]
- How to Select a Signaling Protocol for Your Next WebRTC Project?
- Signaling Options for WebRTC Applications [webrtcHacks]
- How does WebRTC connect people?
[011] Challenges — Browser Support
- Microsoft and the WebRTC Edge Case
- Microsoft, Apple and WebRTC in 2016
- WebRTC iOS 11 Support. Are We There Yet?
- Is Chrome on its Way to be ONLY Browser out there?
- • For developers, Apple’s Safari is crap and outdated [Perry Sun]
[012] Challenges — Mobile Support
- Predictions on annual app downloads on app stores [Gartner]
- Where is WebRTC positions on mobile platforms
- The challenges of porting WebRTC to mobile devices
- Flash to WebRTC: Why Gruveo Finally Converted
[013] Platform KPIs — Deployment Options — Hosting
[014] Platform KPIs — Deployment Options — Hosting
- Why AWS is the Best Fit for WebRTC
- AWS is NOT your WebRTC Hosting of Choice
- The next big front for cloud competition: Location, location, location [GigaOm]
- Is AWS the Best Place for WebRTC? Is there a Best Host for WebRTC at All?
[015] Appendix C — Acquisitions of Platform Vendors
- What Is The Future Of Backend As A Service? [API Evangelist]
- Snapchat Acquires AddLive, and What that Means to Other WebRTC API Platform Vendors
- Cisco just entered the WebRTC PaaS Game by Acquiring Tropo
- Vonage acquires TokBox. Where do we go from here?